anime club造句
- They have an Anime Club for those interested in Japanese culture.
- Anime club meetings can occur on a weekly or monthly basis.
- Numerous American colleges have anime clubs, and there are conventions for American fans.
- Initially scanlations were distributed using mail, CDs, and emails within anime clubs.
- Many of these fans are college students or graduates who are members of college anime clubs.
- Exhibitors ran out of prizes to give to people who signed up for their anime clubs.
- The company continued to offer anime clubs screening permission for its titles prior to its reorganization.
- Until 2009, Armageddicon was run as an event hosted by the Ohio State University anime club.
- Participants of an anime club often are also involved in volunteering and organization of local anime conventions.
- Harvard University, Boston University, and Brandeis University boast anime clubs, although MIT has the oldest.
- It's difficult to see anime club in a sentence. 用anime club造句挺难的
- Its programs for teens include an anime club, teen advisory board, movie nights and game nights.
- Other clubs include a yearbook committee, an anime club, an Distributive Education Clubs of America ( DECA ).
- "' Animaritime "'is an convention founded by members of the Mount Allison University anime club.
- The largest is their Anime club, which hosts 50 students ( a sixth of the school's population ).
- The school also host many unique clubs and groups including the newly formed wakeboarding club along with the also newly formed Anime club.
- The conventions name comes from the Japanese word'tora'meaning tiger and is organized by the Rochester Institute of Technology Anime Club.
- ADV Films offered a program called Anime ADVocates, which provided free screening material and other promotional content to nearly 3, 000 anime clubs in North America.
- Notable and popular clubs at Vincent Massey are the Computer Science Club, Sr . / Jr . Science Olympics Club, Anime Club, and Debate Club.
- The UTMSU also offers many clubs that represent student hobbies such as Music Club, Drama Club, Anime Club, Cricket Club, Cycling Club and many more.
- -Hundreds of anime clubs have sprung up in cities and on university campuses across the United States, where members screen new releases and swap videocassettes of old favorites.
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